Job Shadowing Reflection

1. What did you learn from your presentation?

I learned that presenting the presentation was the hardest part for me to do than actually making the powerpoint. I also learned that there are some techniques that I could use to make my presentations better, like elaborate and speak  louder. Overall, I learned that I do want to keep going for this career or something similar.

2. How well do you think you did on your presentation?

I think I did better than I thought I would because I thought I would get more nervous and not be as loud. I think I could have still made my presentation better by speaking louder and not just reading off the board.

3. What are some presentation techniques that can you incorporate into your next presentation?

Some techniques I can use are to speak louder because I am very soft spoken. I can also elaborate and explain more and not just read of my presentation. I can also try and speak and look at the audience more.

4. What if anything, could you have done differently to change the outcome of your presentation?

I would change the fact that I did not speak as loud as I could have. I would also change the fact that I read too much of the board and did not explain what I meant on all of my slides. I would try to also make my powerpoint better because I missed some small points.

5. Finish the following statements:

  • I wish that I would have presented better by being a bit more confident about it and spoken louder so my presentation score could have been higher.
  • If I could present my presentation again I wouldn’t try to resist because I prevented myself from being louder and from trying to explain my slides.
  • Now that I have reflected on my presentation, I think I want to continue with the career I job shadowed or at least continue in the medical field.

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