Social Issue Research Topic

  • My social issue is gay adoption.
  • It is a social issue because many people argue if gay people should or shouldn’t be able to adopt children. People who disagree with gay adoption usually say that it is because it’s against their religion and so there are now laws that prevent LGBT couples from adopting children if the adoption agency says it is against their religion/belief.
  • A solution to this could be a law that prevents discrimination to LGBT couples and a law that allows them to adopt/have children without having to go through so many of the struggles that heterosexual couples don’t have to go through.
  • This solution is the best solution because it prevents LGBT couples that want to adopt from getting discriminated and it gives children who need to get fostered/adopted a higher chance because they have more people who can, and want to adopt them.
  • The pros to this solution would be less discrimination to LGBT couples and the possibility of children getting adopted would be a higher.
  • The cons to this solution would be that adoption agencies who are religious may not agree with this so they could close down if they have to allow LGBT couples to adopt.
  • Do you agree or disagree that same-sex couples should be able to adopt children?
  • How do you think I can improve and make my argument better?

Play-Doh Creation

The items I created with the Play-Doh were a music note, a dog, and the “N” that stands for Netflix. I created a music note because I love to hear music and I used to play the violin, so in a way music inspires me. I created a dog because I love animals and because I want to be a vet tech as my future career. I created the Netflix logo because Netflix keeps me entertained and I’ve watched many shows that I love and even inspire me in a way. Looking at other students creations I can see that most of them created something they are passionate about or something that is important to them. Many students created either a sport they do, their future career, a food item they love, or their favorite hobby. This activity relates to the writing progress in many ways. This activity took so much brainstorming just like the writing progress does, the beginning is always the most difficult. Thinking about what to create was the hardest part, just like finding a topic to write about and thinking about the beginning of a paper is the hardest part. In this activity I looked at examples to inspire me and to help me brainstorm, just like I like to do whenever I can’t think of a good topic or how to start a paper. In this activity I also had to think about the audience and who would be seeing my creations, just like I would if I were to write a paper. I had to make a creation that I thought was meaningful and that had a purpose, in the writing process I also have to think about something with a purpose. Overall, this activity has been very similar to the writing process.

Same-Sex Marriage

This poll is asking if we should legalize gay marriage. It has both people who support it and people who are against it. The people who support it are saying that everyone should have the equal rights to marry who they want, it should not matter who it is because it does not hurt them. The government should let people decide who they want to marry, it is basic civil rights, marriage between two people shouldn’t matter to you, whether its two different races, two different cultures, two different religions, same-sex, etc. The people who are against it are saying that marriage should be between a man and a woman and that gay marriage is against their religion. Same-sex marriage shouldn’t be an issue but if it goes against your religion than maybe just don’t get married in the church. Some people are also saying that the government should not be involved in this but to let religions decide if same-sex marriage is allowed in their church/religion. Others are also saying that if you don’t want to marry a gay person, or someone of the same sex, then don’t but you shouldn’t deny their rights to marry whoever they want because it does not affect you. Overall, this poll brings two sides, people who are against it, and people who support it.