Social Issue Research Topic

  • My social issue is gay adoption.
  • It is a social issue because many people argue if gay people should or shouldn’t be able to adopt children. People who disagree with gay adoption usually say that it is because it’s against their religion and so there are now laws that prevent LGBT couples from adopting children if the adoption agency says it is against their religion/belief.
  • A solution to this could be a law that prevents discrimination to LGBT couples and a law that allows them to adopt/have children without having to go through so many of the struggles that heterosexual couples don’t have to go through.
  • This solution is the best solution because it prevents LGBT couples that want to adopt from getting discriminated and it gives children who need to get fostered/adopted a higher chance because they have more people who can, and want to adopt them.
  • The pros to this solution would be less discrimination to LGBT couples and the possibility of children getting adopted would be a higher.
  • The cons to this solution would be that adoption agencies who are religious may not agree with this so they could close down if they have to allow LGBT couples to adopt.
  • Do you agree or disagree that same-sex couples should be able to adopt children?
  • How do you think I can improve and make my argument better?

3 thoughts on “Social Issue Research Topic”

  1. LGBT couples suffer being rejected the chance to have a famiy and it is very upsetting. You are very correct that there are children that are waiting to be adopted and they may have chance but that chance is denied due to the beliefs of others.

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